This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features

This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features

This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features

This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features

This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features

This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features

This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features

This QIIME 2 plugin supports FMT analyses.

version: 2024.11.1+8.g8ff6ad7
user support:
Please post to the QIIME 2 forum for help with this plugin:


NameTypeShort Description
group-timepointsmethodPrep Method for organizing metadata and diversity metrics for appropriate statisics
pedfmethodProportional Engraftment of Donor Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PEDS. PEDF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
prdfmethodPorportion of Recipients with Donor Feature
pprfmethodProportional Persistence of Recipient Features in each recipient sample. This is adapted from aggarwala et al. 2021 stainer manuscript, which coined the term PPRS. PPRF uses the same ideas but is applied to features generally.
pedf-permutation-testmethodPEDF permutation Test
heatmapvisualizer Proportional Features Heatmap
ccpipelinePipeline for FMT Diversity Community Coalescence Analysis
detect-donor-indicatorspipelineDetect Donor Indicator Features